New Year's Resolution


If your New Year’s Resolution list contains any of these most common resolutions:

*Lose weight/Exercise

*Eat Healthier

*Manage Stress Better/ Enjoy Life More

* Improve Relationships

*Better Sleep

*Start a new sport/hobby

*Have a baby

Then you may want to add:

* Find an amazing, specific, principled chiropractor

Here’s why:

The nervous system, your body’s “master control” system” is in charge of every aspect of your life.

A principled chiropractor’s job is to find the areas that are subluxated (misalignments in the spine interfering with the communication of energy or life from your brain to your body) and remove the interference with a specific, scientific chiropractic adjustment, allowing your body to be reconnected to it’s amazing doctor on the inside (which we call Innate Intelligence). With a nervous system that is 100% clear of interference, your Innate can regulate all your systems, helping you sleep better, be more comfortable, recover faster from exercise, workouts or injury. With a clear nervous system your body can digest food properly to get its full nutrition. (All the organic broccoli in the world is useless if your body can’t break it down properly.) It can also provide clarity of mind-most people experience less stress, therefore improving relationships. And if getting pregnant is on your list, of course you will want your nervous system running at optimal potential for both mom and your developing baby!

Hopefully this helps you re-evaluate your resolutions so you can have an amazing 2016- your best year ever!

If you would like to receive a special offer for an initial evaluation and consultation to see if chiropractic can help you achieve your goals this year just sign up for our email list and we will send you a special offer!


Happy New Year- Best of Health

Dr. Katie Gay