Similar to “what goes up must come down”, it would make sense that “what goes in must come out”.  In our offices it is not uncommon for babies to start care because they are constipated.  Well, it’s not just for babies.  Everyone should poop!

This week a mom who had just started care with us came in for her second adjustment and said “I’ve gone to the bathroom every day for the first time in my life!”  Now mind you this is not what brought her to our office.  When we discussed her life-long constipation during her consultation, she said she had already made dietary changes which at best had brought her to every two days.  This is an issue!  Everyone should poop regularly.  Especially considering that it had been her entire life.  We did a thermal scan that shows areas where the nerves are not working as well as they should.  Low and behold, the same areas that are responsible for digestion.

A few weeks ago, we had another young woman say “I’m going to the bathroom like a NORMAL person for the first time since I was a kid.”    During her consultation she stated her stomach was always bloated and uncomfortable and she rarely went to the bathroom more than once a week.  

During a progress evaluation this week, a pregnant mom stated since starting care she has had a decrease in constipation.  She, like a lot of expecting women, just thought constipation was a part of pregnancy.  Just because it is common does not mean it is normal.  Pregnancy most definitely does not have to equal constipation.

Enter Chiropractic:

None of these women had even thought about chiropractic care for their constipation.  Now they’re so excited their bodies are working properly!

Let me tell you it is normal to poop daily.  If you aren’t, it’s a sign that something is not working the way it should be.  Your body heals and does what it is supposed to do when your spine and nerve system are intact and free of stress and interference. 


Share with post with someone who wants to feel normal too because everyone should poop!