Today I want to celebrate the 2019 Health victories!

I love the new year when I can look back at the gifts from the previous year.  I believe in celebrating both the major and minor accomplishments and achievements.  My patients and I regularly talk about this, especially if you are or have been battling a major health issue it is important to consistently look back at how far you have come.

Some of the 2019 health victories that come to mind first include everything from prenatal care to adult care.

This year we heard victories involving pain, sleeping, pregnancy and life!


“I can eat without any pain!”  When first hearing this you may think, “Big deal, I eat what I want anyway” but for this woman this was a HUGE health victory.  Prior to chiropractic care she was unable to eat anything harder than a banana without excruciating jaw pain.  Can you imagine?  I can’t.  I can clearly remember the day she came in absolutely beaming that she had eaten a steak the night before.  Pain free.  For the first time in years!

Sleeping wins:

Two toddlers pop into my head when I think of sleeping trouble this year.

The first was two years old when her mother brought her in.  During the consultation mom was crying because she was so physically exhausted from her daughter not sleeping. Mom said she was also noticing some speech delays compared to her other children and suspected it was due to her daughter not sleeping. She said she felt like she was failing as a mother, a wife and a professional because she was sleep deprived making her groggy, grouchy and all around frustrated.  Stories like this absolutely break my heart.  We all need quality sleep to heal and thrive.

After a few adjustments this little girl started getting a little more sleep, then a little more sleep and then sleeping through the night!   Of course, it took the parents a bit to catch up.  If you have ever had a child who doesn’t sleep well you know you are constantly getting up to check on them because you are so used to it.  It was a beautiful thing to see this baby sleeping and the mom able to look and feel refreshed and like she was winning at life again!  Oh, and she became an absolute little chatterbox!!

Another little boy was four when his parents brought him in.  Similarly, he had never slept through the night.  This family felt that because he wasn’t sleeping soundly his immune system was suffering (as well as the family of course).  Within a few visits he was sleeping soundly.  His congestion cleared up and he was thriving, the way he should be!

Pregnancy Victories:

Our office takes care of a high percentage of pregnant moms.  It is such an important time to be getting checked and making sure your nervous system is clear of any interference.

As always, we had plenty of moms who started care during pregnancy for various aches, pains and discomfort (headaches, backaches, trouble sleeping).  We also had the moms who came to us because they wanted to have a VBAC.  The moms who came because their baby was presenting breech.  These are all fairly regular occurrences in our office

One mom sticks out most in my mind though when I look back at 2019.  This mom had had a less then desirable chiropractic experience in the past but with some urging from friends she was willing to give us a try.  Her last baby was born premature.  If you have been there you know what an emotional roller coaster this can be for the parents.  This mom stayed consistent with her care, engaged in all of the pregnancy events and information we offer and had a much different pregnancy then the first.  I was so incredibly proud of her because at times she could have defaulted to the fear and frustration but she really put her faith in the power of her body.  Needless to say, she had a beautiful, healthy, happy full-term baby!

Social Victories:

Another of my 2019 health victories I would like to celebrate are the social health victories we have experienced in the office last year.  Health is so much more then how we feel.  It’s even more then how we heal.  By definition health is an optimal state of physical, social and mental well-being not merely the absence of sickness and infirmity.

Our Mommy Mixer group has formed the most amazing relationships.  It is an absolute blessing to watch!  This group gets together the second Tuesday of each month to socialize and have fun.  There are always new attendees and sometimes some of the regulars can’t make it.  Some of the moms are patients of ours, others are not.  Nonetheless, the amount of trust and love pouring out of these mamas is inspiring.  They have shared their losses and frustrations and great news and accomplishments openly with one another.  I’ve witnessed them being a shoulder to cry on for each other, a person to turn to for a great laugh or encouraging word and form deep, true friendships with one another.  It absolutely touches my heart to watch this group grow and bond.  I have no doubt that the amount of love and support coming out of that room creates a ripple effect through out the community.

In closing:

We love celebrating victories of all kinds, big and small!  A new year is a new chance to create your absolute best life.  If we can help you do this in anyway please don’t hesitate to reach out! We would love to be sitting here celebrating how far you have come this time next year!

To read more chiropractic health victories check out the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association

Dr. Katie